
Handbags & Heartbreak

My journey to a smile. My life with Borderline Personality Disorder. No holds barred, this is my life in black and white.

Fat Girl (Thar She Blows)

I couldn't get on my blog quickly enough today to let off some lardy steam. Can steam be full of lard? Who knows but I need to talk about this before my mind explodes into a thousand cakes......pieces. Cake? Who... Continue Reading →

G.I Blues

I am back again! It's been some time since I've written in my blog. I lost my writing mojo and I just couldn't get myself to put anything into words. I'm struggling at the moment, I'm in a real down... Continue Reading →

Papa, Can You Hear Me?

It's a subject I've ranted about before but still a subject I'm bitter and hurt about and I needed to come on my blog and let off steam. Because I've given up waiting to hear about a Counsellor. I keep... Continue Reading →

Yakety Yak

When something seems too good to be true, it usually is. Or that's how it seems when it comes to my short spells of peace and happiness. The best way I can explain the recent mood is by a rollercoaster... Continue Reading →

Girl Happy

Absolutely been neglecting my blog again. And the only reason I have is that things have been going ok lately. But the whole idea of blogging my journey was to follow the highs as well as the lows. I don't... Continue Reading →

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

I feel bad that I have neglected my writing lately and also my journey on my blog so I wanted to check in today and just remind you all I am still alive, I am sure you are delighted to... Continue Reading →


I don't even know where to start with today's blog post but I don't want to ramble on for ages either because let's face it, people don't have the concentration span to read my ramblings for ages, I am still... Continue Reading →

The Man Who Sold The World

It would be absolutely criminal to let a blog post go by without a dedication to David Bowie. David Bowie touched so many lives. Lives he knew nothing about. Lives that differed so much. Different races, beliefs, backgrounds, styles, personalities,... Continue Reading →

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