
Handbags & Heartbreak

My journey to a smile. My life with Borderline Personality Disorder. No holds barred, this is my life in black and white.


November 2015

Lady in Red

Self harm. I need to talk about this. It confuses people, and because they don't understand it, they have a habit of belittling those that do struggle with self harm. Well, that's not really fair is it. There are many... Continue Reading →

No Pressure Over Cappuccino

I am a big believer in practise what you preach. I know that we would all love a perfect world, with perfect situations and a world where everyone treated others with respect and love and most importantly kindness. But unfortunately... Continue Reading →

The Ballad of John & Yoko

I'm doing my geeky blogger sat in a coffee house shenanigans this morning. I'm up and out early before work as I had my mood injection at 9am and believe you me, that could not have come soon enough. How... Continue Reading →

Working Class Hero

I rang the doctors yesterday for an emergency appointment because of the self harm and because I needed some diazepam to calm me down before my injection on Friday. I got told they hadn't got any appointments and that if... Continue Reading →

Eleanor Rigby

I am struggling to stay on the edge at the moment. I am half off. I have self harmed tonight, it's minor, not as bad as before. But I've cut my arms. I can't deal with all the conflict and... Continue Reading →

Cradle Your Hatred

I've so much to say but I've been at a loss of how to get it down into words that will be coherent to a normal person's brain (does that actually exist?!) I think it is fitting to talk about... Continue Reading →

How Great Thou Art

I will start with what's getting on my nerves and winding me up then will move onto the nice stuff. Saving the best till last if you like. Social media is getting on my nerves again, I only stay on... Continue Reading →

Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself

I am always very quick to publicise how utterly shite I feel and to rant and rave. But I forget to come on here and celebrate my good days. I was talking to my Manager today and said that I... Continue Reading →

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