
Handbags & Heartbreak

My journey to a smile. My life with Borderline Personality Disorder. No holds barred, this is my life in black and white.


October 2015

Stuntin’ Like My Daddy

I can never refer to Geoffrey Pickles / Jeffrey Pickles as Father or Dad, he's just the sperm donor that my lovely Mother was very unfortunate to have met. So.....this idiot that is my sperm donor is the epitome of... Continue Reading →

Master of Puppets

If you stand on one leg, you wobble, you stagger, you are unsure of which way you are going to fall or if you are going to keep your balance. That's how I feel at the moment. That's how my... Continue Reading →

Empty Garden

I wanted to share this video from YouTube as I felt it very poignant to how I feel and how BPD effects my life I am finding it extremely hard to explain how I feel today, it's been a... Continue Reading →

I Know You Care

I've been in bed for two days now as I can't muster any hope or motivation. Depression has a hold of my mind and it sure as hell ain't letting go. I've stayed up in my bedroom on my own... Continue Reading →

A Game of Frustration

I am screaming so loud in my head that the pain is unbearable. It feels like a million people are stood in the dark abyss of my head and all screaming at once. I can't bear it. I got up... Continue Reading →

Everybody Hurts

I am finding it really hard to put into words how I feel today. It's really not a good day. I'm getting frustrated with so many people. I'm sure I've said all this before but I find myself repeating it... Continue Reading →

I Wanna Be Sedated

The only way I can describe getting through today is on autopilot and not wanting to let my boss down. My mental state has gone lower again today and if the choice had been mine, I would have spent today... Continue Reading →

Leave Me Alone

My mood has taken a nosedive today. Do I know why? No not really. Do I need a reason? No I phucking don't. I've been bubbling up all day long like a shaken bottle of pop. Feeling really pissed off... Continue Reading →

World Mental Health Day 2015

I always wanted to be one of those annoying bloggers clogging up the coffee houses. The eccentric looking human frantically typing away at whatever technology they have to hand or god forbid actually putting old fashioned pen to paper. All... Continue Reading →

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