I wanted to do a follow up from my blog post a few days ago. I talked about The Links Centre ringing me and promising a home visit from a CPN and Social Worker. So let’s bare in my mind that I have an official NHS complaint about The Links already. I had a phone call from the Manager yesterday and he explained that I shouldn’t have had that phone call, my new phone number was put onto a different patient’s file with the same name as mine and I was called in error instead of the other patient. The lady picked up my file in error. None of it really rings true and or adds up. Someone is lying. The lady who originally called me also told the Manager she left a voicemail on my mobile and hadn’t spoken to me directly but again, this is a lie. No one is telling the truth and the explanation about phone numbers on wrong files etc just isn’t adding up for me.

They are all building a rod for their own back and it’s causing me so much more added stress. This is an organization that is SUPPOSED to be there to support but has ended up being quite the opposite. It really makes me laugh when I see articles in the media that mental health problems are on the increase. ERMM, I WONDER WHY!!!!!!!!

I am meeting with an Assembly Member on 29th September so hopefully I can find a way to take this matter forward in a more effective way as at the moment it’s me against the NHS. Although when the South Wales Echo article comes out, people can see the truth about what is happening. Mental health has so stigma around it, and the NHS isn’t helping matters or people’s minds when they are not being honest. And quite frankly, they should be ashamed of themselves. They work in an area of health where people are vulnerable and unless you have suffered mental health illnesses, I don’t think you can fully understand the shit that goes through your head when you are being messed around by people that are meant to be there to help you. It’s frustrating and upsetting.

They make you feel like you are at fault and being unreasonable but I know on this occasion I am not. If anyone agrees with a human being should be left to suffer when feeling suicidal and self harming or needs help when symptoms are too difficult to manage, then go ahead and join the mental health profession, you will fit in great.

Will update soon.

Peace out. SL the fruit loop.